Episode 026

Uncovering the Power of New Earth Relationships

Resonance, Purpose, and Growth

In this episode, we discuss new earth relationships and how they serve as catalysts for personal growth. We explore the shift from the old paradigm of relationships to the new paradigm, where partnerships are based on resonance, shared values, and purpose.

We share our experience of creating this podcast, even though we’d never met in person before and had only ever had two face to face interactions online. Through this example we highlight the power of doing the inner work and following your intuition as it pertains to people and relationships in our lives.

We discuss how each relationship we enter is a mirror for our strengths and our shadow, and an opportunity for us to heal and grow. And that new earth relationships based on respect, appreciation and mutual growth are powerful catalysts for stepping into being our authentic selves.

Finally we discuss the power of community and finding soul connections, even if they are not physically present.

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Episode 26
Awakening Conversations
026. Uncovering the Power of New Earth Relationships: Resonance, Purpose, and Growth

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Untitled Design (9)
Untitled Design (11)

In this episode...


  • Relationships are a catalyst for personal growth and can help us see our shadow and strengths.
  • The old paradigm of relationships was based on power dynamics, while the new paradigm is about resonance and shared purpose.
  • Finding the right partnerships and valuing each other’s strengths is key to personal and collective growth.
  • Collaboration allows us to express ourselves authentically and create a platform for others to do the same.
  • Knowing our own designs and honoring them can help us find the right partnerships and navigate collaborations.Doing the inner work and following your intuition can attract aligned relationships.
  • Relationships can be easy and transformative when both parties are committed to mutual growth and respect.
  • Community and soul connections can be found even if they are not physically present.


Kate (00:00)

Welcome back to the Awakening Conversations podcast. My name is Kate. I’m here with my cohost, Amanda. Today we want to talk to you about new earth relationships and relationships in general, how they truly are a catalyst and a vehicle for us to grow. And in the context of what we want to share today, how we can start to see through our own designs, how relationships are really here to be mirrors for us. Showing us both the shadow and the strengths that we hold within us. And then how we can go on to use those awarenesses to really create relationships, partnerships, collaborations that can really, really serve us, I believe, to step into our purpose.

First and foremost, we have sort of mentioned over several different episodes we are moving out of an old paradigm and into a new one and that there is an old way that we were relating to each other and a new way that we’re kind of moving into creating relationships. That old way of being was very much a victim oppressor or sometimes it could be the teacher and the student, but that being where there’s a really big gap that one has all the answers, the other one needs the answers. And then within that, that dynamic can be somewhat healthy if the people inside that dynamic are healthy. And it can also be very unhealthy where, you know, people are stuck in modes of seeking that support outside of themselves to realize things. And someone sort of dangling that as a carrot. I’ve definitely had experiences and I know Amanda has too. And as we move into this new paradigm, new earth, we are really looking at who are the people we truly resonate with? Who do we feel connected to? And there’s within that it’s because of similar visions, similar values, similar standards, similar goals and soul purpose that we’re here to express and be part of in communities. And so as you go about your own awakening journey, really beginning to discern who those people are. So that’s a little bit about just the old paradigm and the new paradigm that we’re stepping into, but we want to start off by sharing with you then how we came to create this podcast, seemingly sort of out of thin air, sort of, and then really dive into this experience of relationship that Amanda and I have had. 

So Amanda, great to see you. Do you want to start by telling our story, our origin story, how this came to be? And then we can sort of chat about, know, how this is different for us in the lens of like, we, I feel like we’re in a new earth style relationship here and we can start unpacking this topic.

Amanda (02:53)

So for those that have listened to our podcast before, you might know that Kate is Australian living in Japan. I’m from the United States. I’m living in central Mexico with my family and we have never met in person. However, last year we were both participating in an energy guide certification program through someone we both knew and that’s how we met. We met through this program and we were on some calls together and we did an exchange of leading each other on two different occasions. But that was really it, you know, it’s not like we’ve had a lot of conversations. However, we started following each other on Instagram and we seemed to interact with each other’s whatever stories that we posted. And honestly, I’m drawing a blank on what the exact thing, post, story, was that triggered this. However, Kate responded to something I posted and then this impulse arose within me to present this idea for a doing a podcast. I have this idea, I think it’d be so cool if we had these conversations with people, we’re exploring spirituality. I had this template someone else was using, but a completely different genre of conversations. And I thought it’d be really cool to do this with regards to awakening stories, telling stories around awakenings. And I wrote this, probably a paragraph, and I said would you maybe want to do this? And I clicked Enter, and then I’m like, what the heck did I just do? She probably thinks I’m weird presenting this. My brain kicked in and said, the rational, logical aspect of me was wondering what my intuition just allowed me to do. And I was like, well, I sent it, OK. And then, she responded, I love that idea, that sounds awesome. And then from there, we made a plan to get on a call and then this project unfolded of what we thought it would look like and we started planning all of the steps to like, what do we need to research? What do we need to do to make this happen? And so we started for months, we were getting on a Zoom call once a week. We’d have assignments for ourselves of things to do in between our calls to make progress on this project. And then eventually many months later, we launched it. And now we’re 20 something episodes into this podcast. So we can look back and see that  I, you know, it was a practice for me of just allowing my intuition to guide me. I can see very clearly where my brain wasn’t stopping me in that moment. And so I did something that I wouldn’t have done had my logical reasoning stepped in. And then there was something intuitively sensing that Kate was the right person to do this project with. And that led her to say yes. You know, and, and also you had had a conversation with somebody just the previous week where you had been thinking something similarly. So there was something in our fields that wanted to do something like this. And it was just that right moment in time for us to… me to say it, you to say yes. And then that got the ball rolling and saying all that, both of us have really grown through this process. Wecan look at it and see that we each have brought qualities and skills to this partnership that had we been doing this on our own, we both have acknowledged that we probably wouldn’t have made this happen because our own personal blocks would have derailed us much earlier on in the process however,  because we were doing it together, like I took certain aspects of it, you did certain aspects and we just kind of, you completed the everything that was needed to be done. Which wouldn’t have been the case. I know for myself, I would have gotten to certain points and been like, I’m just gonna get distracted and go work on something else. And that project would have gone to die. However, because there was someone else that I had committed to doing this with, I showed up differently, I would say.

Through the process, I realized that I grew this growth period because I realized that there was a self -sabotage I had where at the beginning I was waiting to the last minute to do my tasks, but I do them because they were scheduled and so I would do them. But over time, I stopped needing to wait to the last minute to do things and it was like almost I healed that aspect of me that put things off that was, and I think that aspect of self -sabotage comes from this doubt that I have of like, this isn’t actually going to work or a little bit of perfectionism that I’m not going to do it perfectly. I’m not going to do it at all sort of thing.

So because you know, you were for me, like you were this accountability partner to show up and to make sure that I held up my end of the bargain. And I think some of those patterns just kind of went away through the process. And also I will say that you were very forgiving. Like if there are times where I was, couldn’t show up or I was late or something like that. You were forgiving and then I wanted to show up better because like you had expectations but at the same time you were also understanding. And so I think I was able to be a little bit more forgiving and understanding of myself. 

What about for you can you think of in terms of how you’ve grown or what has it cultivated in you that maybe, yeah, how are you different now than say almost a year ago?

Kate (10:01)

Yeah. You know, it’s interesting that you say that, that, know, if you had to, you know, change one of our appointments and I was forgiving, you know, what I think really, as you said, that reminded me is that I saw how you showed up for our calls and, know, you know, what you brought and I was like, okay, I got to up level to that. Like I want to hold myself to what I see and feel like I was receiving from you. And so it really did help me I think like show up in a way that I don’t show up for myself. Right. Because like you said, if I had have decided I want to do a podcast on my own, there was many points in what I learned through us going through that planning stage where I would have stopped, especially when it got technical. Cause my brain would have just like fritzed out, but that was amazing because that made sense to you. And I was like, thank God. You know, and so there’s this beautiful way that we could navigate this process where you had, you could steer the ship and then, you know, I honestly felt like you steered most of the ship and I was like, I’m just trying to do the best I can to like, make sure I’m putting in as much effort, you know what I mean? I would just really want to show up. Cause I was like, okay, this woman knows so much that I don’t know and I value that. So how can I, how can I bring as much as I can to at least make her feel like I’m worth being a partner with.

So, you know, it made me really, really want to put in. And I think that’s what helped us then make progress and move forward. And then eventually when I, we both kind of knew we were ready, but we might’ve been hesitating and like, are we actually going to do it? I was like, okay, you know what? Let’s pick the date. We did move it one time, but that was only simply because the amount of work to get to that point, just, you know, we were consistent and we 

So, you know, yeah, it just was like getting into a dance with somebody that was like, well, I, I really want to show up for this. It feels good to have a partnership take me beyond where I would take myself, you know, and it’s felt so good to have support and it’s really made me see the power of collaboration with the right person. Cause I’ve definitely had moments and times and experiences where that collaboration didn’t work.

And we can get into why we believe this works too, in terms of our design. So, you know, yeah, that was really something that helped me, me also see that, you know, what you do when you do commit, and this is one of my design elements, my gifts I’m working into is commitment. What can come of that, you know? And so that’s one of the things, and I think then through the actual process of us you know, commit, doing that commitment, putting out the episodes in the, the umbrella of awakenings, you know, something that I’ve really wanted to be sharing about, something that feels like it’s what I’m here to talk about and, and to start voicing more and more of what we’ve been talking about. I’ve felt and seen how this, we created a platform for ourselves to truly be our authentic selves.

And I can remember our very first episode when we recorded that, like, you know, we, we, there’s so much we wanted to say. And we said it, we recorded the first episode, like three times, but you know, it opened the door and 24, think we’re at this episode or 25, I can see over that period, how I’ve, it’s been this like constant letting go, letting go a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more like stepping out, stepping out. And that to me is one of the most beautiful things that’s come from this is just making that claim and having someone by my side who sees me, accepts me, values what I have to say in all of what, you know, internally feels like a narrative of like, yeah, people are going to think you’re crazy and you don’t.

And I can just sit here, look across the screen at you, say all the wild things that want to cross my mind and run through my heart. And you just smile back at me and agree. And then like, have a conversation. So it’s been a really healing. I think, and it’s really helped me accept and deepen into that truth and like actually using your voice. I know there’s still many internal like limitations that I’m, you know, can, can bust through. But it’s, it’s, this is the journey, you know, I feel like this is the whole thing is very healing for that purpose as well. So it’s like really felt like stepping into a part of the purpose work, but actually being in the doing of it, you know, it’s opening more doors for me to go, okay, where else can I, can I, can I be in this energy outside of our conversation? anything else for you?

Amanda (14:44)

Yeah, yeah, totally about our throat, my throat, our throats opening. This space where I can allow thing, what wants to come through to come through. And I’ve always felt  that if I go there with people, they look at me, depends upon who the person is, they might look at me like I have three heads or something. Yeah, to create this space where we can say what is on our mind, on our hearts. And it is like we’re just talking to each other, but really people are listening that we have no idea who’s listening.

Yes, that is very healing. And it’s been really nice to have people come on and tell us that sharing their stories has also been healing. And really, I think we’ve created the structure that we are, we enjoy this process and I think there can be this desire to want to know like what is the result of doing something, right? What is, is this reaching people? And what I know of how things, impact works is that we don’t know what the impact is of us being our truly authentic selves. We don’t know who’s gonna listen to something and it’s gonna touch them in a particular way. if we have certain, like, we need to have this many subscribers and we need to meet these goals or it’s not a success and we’re just gonna close this down, we miss out on the growth that comes for ourselves through this process that we’re having, that we’re still opening, we’re still seeing where this wants to go. And also we are missing out. It’s almost like we’re trying to control what this is supposed to be. And so I think making it be something where we’ve made it so we can fit it into our lives, right? Like we have some, a flow, right, of how we’re doing it. And so making it so it’s sustainable in a way where we can continue this process. And sticking with it for as long as we have, I think that shows us like what’s possible when we stick with something. Right. And the results aren’t always the metrics, right? It’s these, this growth that we’ve, this container that we’ve created for ourselves to grow within. Because, right, like through this relationship, we are allowing what wants to come through, which without it, what is the alternative, like keeping that, all that stuck? Yeah, it feels repressive in a way, right?

Kate (18:25)

Yeah. Even as you describe it, like I, I just in this moment can’t imagine how different I would feel if we weren’t having these conversations, you know, like the amount of energy I feel like we are able to move through us by literally talking and expressing it is, it is changing who I am, you know, and, and I, if I look back on my past, I have longed for an experience of being the real me, you know, and being the authentic me, expressing the authentic expression, you know, how many times I’ve written that in my journal or, you know, said it. And here I am getting to express like in this, in, our format, it’s through our voices, you know, for others, it might be through other mediums, but if there’s anything, you know, in what we’re saying here is like finding the relationships, if that’s the, or the portals, the places to do it, because in the doing of it, and I  mean, I think the relationship part just it, it’s like we’re holding space for each other, you know? And like, if I did do this on my own, I, yes, I might express myself, there’d a whole world of doubt surrounding it. Amanda (19:36)

Judgment like, no one listened to that one. I must have sucked. Like, you know what I mean? 

Kate (19:47)

Yeah, you know, yes. And so the power of the relationship is that, you know, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t, I guess I can’t really find the words, but it does. It just feels like when you do find the right person to, to be in a collaboration with and a partnership with, and you know, it is this kind of, know, I want to do this with my hands. Like there’s a match. Like, I just feel like some of my spaces you filled in and I feel like vice versa. And then we can like, you know, work with that. It creates a way for us both to be in such a massive growth opportunity. So, you know, for those listening, this, think is an example for us. Cause I really feel like this is a new earth style of being relationship and like how powerful it really has been in our lives. Like what a catalyst. Cause you know, I have friends where I can have this conversation with, but we do that one to one, and then we go about our lives, you know? Yes, in some way we don’t see the people listening, but we’ve, we’ve thrown it out. And, and as you said, when we have some guests on and they’re expressing, thank you for creating this platform for these conversations. You know, wow. Okay. We showed up to something that felt like something we wanted to do, but we’ve created a place for other people to be in their authentic expression as well. So there’s a trusting that I think comes with like you sending me that message, me feeling the hell yes, us coming together and then having to work through our own inner, you know, blocks and things before we even pressed here’s, you know, upload on our first episode of like, what does it mean to commit to that? What does it mean to show up even when we feel the fear and the worry and the doubt and we don’t know how it’s going to turn out and is this a good use of our time? And, know, will this be valuable? Will people like it? Like, who knows? I’m sure some people listen and their like, I don’t like it. Okay. No problem. You know, but that’s not what it’s … right? Exactly.

Amanda (21:35)

Good thing we don’t know, we don’t know, so that’s okay.

Kate (21:44)

But that’s, but that’s not what it’s for, you know, like in and of itself, like if, if no one listened, here we are and we’ve had this growth experience and like the partnership and the relationship has been so powerful to show up for each other in this way. And, you know, I think the vehicle of choosing it to be a place for our authenticity and our soul expression, has been really powerful.

Amanda (22:11)

Yeah, and almost it’s like, really it’s, I can see why it, doing something like this is not easy for a lot of people because it’s, we are choosing to give people a window into who we are that, yeah, maybe we would otherwise keep it a bit hidden. And so yes, we made the choice, like, okay, I’m gonna kind of like break the band -aid off and allow myself to release the inhibition, the societal programming that tells me that I need to hide who I am. And it’s just, we’ve let ourselves, but in a way, it’s safer because we’re doing it with, we’re not doing it alone. And, you know, we have someone to, to reflect back to us, you know, like, I really liked that idea or that thought process, whereas yes, we can be in our head analyzing it and judging it. And if we don’t, you know, we have these expectations and then those expectations are not met. And then it’s like, okay, I’m just going to, I’m just, that’s too uncomfortable to continue. And so yeah, allows us to go further than we would go had we ventured… It’s like, if you’re going to go on a good journey, right? Like this is a bit of a journey. You’re going to go on like a big hike and, yeah, bring people, bring someone that maybe has some skills that where you’re deficient, right? If you get lost or it’s hard, it’s like, I remember I was editing one of our episodes and I was just feeling really bummed listening to myself talk. Like I was being super judgmental and I was feeling down and then that episode did pretty well. And you said, you commented on that. I was like, well, that’s good. Because I was feeling pretty, pretty low on that one. So.

And then you came back and you said, you know, like I really admire, like along the lines of like, really admire how you’re able to do this. And it’s like, we can see things about each other that maybe we can’t see about ourselves. And in that regards, it’s like a relationship where someone’s reflecting back the powerful aspects of us that we minimize, that we downplay, right? Cause like you were just saying about me that like, you were trying to level up and I was trying to like not be some flighty Aquarian person in the sky. So I’m like, okay, I’m to do structure to meet her where she’s at. And so, yeah, I think that, yeah, when the going gets rough, it’s like having someone else to keep pushing you along is really valuable.

Kate (25:29)

Yeah. And I think what you’re really highlighted too is we don’t easily, all of us humans, easily see our gifts and our strengths, I think as well, because they feel just very like innate to us, right? And, and we only have our experience of ourselves and what feels easy to us doesn’t mean it’s not a gift, right? This is something I’m coming to learn. Like what feels easy to me, it’s, I don’t take that as anything special or valuable. Yet when I see someone do something, I kind of like, that’s amazing. You know what I mean? And yet vice versa. So it’s, it’s an opportunity for us to see what our true strengths are because it’s mirrored back to us in, in through the lens of the partnership and the relationship and, then get that sort of outside view of like, actually I need to value this part of me more, you know, cause I know my own personal experience is always that what I can’t do, I feel like I must learn. And therefore if I could learn that, then that’s a value to me. And I dismiss anything else that I am able to do as it’s just me like, yeah, it’s just me. But actually, no, that’s there I am. That’s my gifts. Like embrace that, love that, you know, that’s not normal for everybody that I can think in that way or whatever it is, you know.

Amanda (26:44)

Yeah, like I remember, I think early on it kind of just happened where you were doing the intros and I’m like, she’s really good at that. And like old me was, would have been like, I need to, I need to step up and like figure out how to do intros. And I’m like, why? Like, just let her, like let her do it. Cause she’s good at it. And I don’t, I don’t have to do that part. Like I don’t have to pretend I’m good at something that maybe I’m not necessarily.

And at the same time, I think we can also learn from each other too, as far as, you know, picking up some strengths where not maybe not going to be like the best at it, but also just like we can see like, okay, like, let me try to emulate that a little bit and kind of try that on of like how, you know, some of things can rub off a little bit, but we don’t, I don’t necessarily have to. So it’s that like, I don’t know, something where we learn that like we have to be good at everything. Like I think it’s in school. It’s like, you want to have A’s in all the grades and it’s like, or it’s just like, what if I just focused on, right? If you’re not smart, if you don’t get A’s in all the classes. So it’s this, this idea that if we’re deficient in any areas, there’s something to be ashamed about or, or us it’s like, let’s just work on our gifts and see the gifts in others and let them use those gifts and shine in those areas. And we don’t have to, there’s no competition, right? Like we’re coming from the old model of competition rather than when we see someone else shine, we maybe feel like, that says something about us that, you know, I’m deficient because they’re shining versus like, how can we all shine?

Kate (28:46)

Yeah. Well, I mean, exactly. Cause we all have our unique strengths. So it’s really letting, celebrating someone else’s unique strengths and then celebrating your own. Yeah. And I will say I’ve learned so much from you in this process. Like my world’s changed. I’m like, I now do know all these new things I can do. Like you, I definitely don’t do them as well as you do, but I’m like, you’ve opened the door for me to like all these new ways of like thinking even about my own business, how I can operate like, was like, it’s been so, so, so valuable. And, you know, we’ve recently did an exchange of, I have a new offering, Untether sessions. So Amanda was a receiver of that for me. And then there was a way that she could return that for me of helping me inside my business to get some clarity. And, you know, even in that there’s this beautiful way of just give and receive and like, you know, something you said the other day, like we don’t have a contract in place for any of this, but there’s just, it really works well of like, I have something that you might need. You have something that I might need. And then like, how can we, how can we exchange energy, the appreciation of each other’s time? If that goes outside of that, that, know, I’m happy to give you some money for that. That would feel good. Like we’ve really working together relationally in such a new way where I feel like there’s a deep level of respect. That I don’t know, it feels just so different and so good. And like we’re, we’re equals in, in, and yet so different. And I can really value what you have and you value what I have. And like, you know, how can we kind of like just work it into each other’s lives where we might need it from each other. And, you know, it’s a really beautiful thing.

Kate (30:31)

Something you mentioned before is, made me think of, know, we’re also moving out of that sort of lone wolf, you know, style, like I’ve got to do everything myself and, know, trudge, trudge, trudge, work, work, work, grind, grind to have success, copy someone else’s model, blah, blah, blah. We’ve talked a lot about here too, that, you know, this is an amazing partnership that’s worked. It’s not always the case. And so I want to kind of spread into that direction where we’ve had these experiences too, where trying to create a partnership or a collaboration hasn’t really worked. And also really talking about to how that can also be because of the designs of who we are. So when we say design, we’re talking about our astrology, our human design, our gene keys. And so why it’s also powerful for us to know ourselves in those ways. And how that can really help us understand what are good partnerships for us. And yet let’s not even use the word good partnership for me, because what we really want to go on to chat about here is how, know, any, any experience we have is of extreme value. So, Amanda, you have got an example of, some other collaboration that you ventured into that wasn’t quite the love story that we’ve created.

Amanda (31:47)

This, yeah, well, yeah, so I realized in the past day or two that really, I think I was open to this  creation because I was working with my gene keys. And for those of you, you know, we’ve talked about gene keys before. However, if you’re not aware, there’s three sequences within the Gene Keys. The first one is called the Genius. It’s about basically your internal self, your internal work, who you are as a person. The next one is the Venus Sequence, the Love Sequence, and that’s about relationship and how you interact both within romantic relationship, but also business, partnership, how you relate to others. And then, the final sequences about prosperity and how you exist kind of like with the larger world and how are you like compensated and supported with that. And so I was today working with the my core wound, is the sphere is like the junction between the Venus sequence and also the prosperity is connected to it. It’s like the end of the relationship series and the beginning of the prosperity. And that’s like your core wound. It’s like this, your deepest wound is kind of, in a way it’s gonna be with you, it’s gonna hold you back. It’s gonna be something that you have to work through. And mine is about honesty and dishonesty, transparency, intimacy, that’s my core wound. And I realize that I recognize that at the same time that I opened up to this partnership with Kate, also separately created another collaboration, not on the same level as this one, much smaller. And there was something I think that changed in me from this, this gene key process where I was, was open to partnership where I don’t think I was in the past. I think I was more closed off from trusting another person kind of like, I’m just going to do it myself. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t know. I don’t trust that someone’s going to be there for me. There was like this, this, this, I don’t know, protection that I had around me, this wall that I didn’t want to step into a relationship in this regard. So, but I think through the work, I was just naturally open. And so I started this collaboration and I thought the relationship with this person was good. And then, you know, I don’t know, probably like five or six months down the road, we had an experience or something came out of left field and I felt pretty betrayed by this person. And that was kind of it. So the realizations that I’m coming to almost like six months later is that that relationship was there to show me something about me as well. It wasn’t there, you know, as as I’ve worked through the the feelings of betrayal and the maybe the hurt that I felt from how the relationship transpired, I can see that that person was a bit of a mirror for me and showing me something about that wound actually, that core wound and aspects about me. Like this person actually has the same, similar astrology to me. And so there is sometimes, two signs aren’t necessarily complimentary, right? But I think there are similarities in how this person behaved. And I could see that maybe in certain parts of my life, I might’ve behaved that way, not to the same degree, but sometimes there’s aspects of us when we can look at it from a higher perspective, we can see that it’s two sides of the same coin in a way, right? And so what role did I play in this relationship? So yeah, I think it’s interesting to see how I opened up to these two relationships at the same time, and they both have had a lot of growth for me, even though they’ve transpired very differently. So I think it’s, I’m grateful that, you know, I’ve seen what’s possible and I’ve also learned from the other one, but maybe if I only had the other one, I might be more closed off to collaboration and partnership because like, I got burned on that one. I don’t want to go there again. And so I know, in retrospect, I’m grateful to have tried, right? And I think that when we can use relationships, however they transpire and reflect on them and really wonder like, what was that relationship for? What was the purpose of that relationship? I’ll share that one time in an ayahuasca ceremony, I went, just was like showing me all these people in my life, like from, you know, my mom, you know, people in very close proximity to people who I’ve had like not great interactions with, like how they’re all just, there are all my teachers, all of them. And so, and like, when we can see that we’ve, like I’m a teacher for, you know, for others and we agreed probably as souls that we are gonna come here and have these interactions to learn from them, then we can walk away from experiences more empowered and understand that there’s a reason why we entered into such an agreement.

Kate (38:05)

Yeah. And I think just always remembering that our soul is literally chosen every single person that comes into our lives. Now I can say that with ease today. Yet there’s been several moments in my life in the recent seven years where I was like, wouldn’t have easily have said that because there were people in my life where I was just like causing me a whole lot of pain and interestingly, how that has been tied up in a form of partnership or collaboration. And yeah, just in this moment, thinking of some of the really, really challenging ones, you know, even in those dark, dark times, I think one of the big lessons it was teaching me one in particular was  compassion. It was understanding. And I can remember at the time you know, I was deeply kind of trying to align myself, not trying to align myself, but unpack this spiritual idea of we are all souls and that person is a soul and they’re human and they’re an asshole of a human, but he’s a soul too. And it’s like, so if I’m a soul, he’s a soul. If I’m, know, underneath his, all of that outward human projection, you know, he has the potential to know himself in a greater way and that he could be way nicer if you did that, but his journey is just simply not that and how I could come to a place to not hate and to not judge and to not keep that separation. It was a big learning for me at that time of, know, the separation, how keeping others, you know, I don’t like those people. I like those people perpetuates this idea of separation, you know, perpetuates the old paradigm of us and them. You know, we’re not going to get anywhere with that. We have to have that understanding of we’re all here as souls having human experiences. And we express that human experience completely differently, depending on what our soul chose to come here and learn. I think we all as a soul have an opportunity to, or as a human have an opportunity to know ourselves as the soul. If, perhaps there’s we’re exposed to that and soul wanted that, you know, our, our mentor Vanessa always says, not everybody’s here to remember. Some are here literally just to go through the quagmire , of it all, to not, to not awaken. And so I don’t need to judge that person. I can just accept that. I can accept that that he’s going to he wants to be like that or you know, he is like that I’m going to just hands off. So you know, yeah, it’s deeply learning, you know, there’s a deep, there’s a, there’s a lot, the depth that we can learn, even in our most challenging experiences. And we had a woman that we interviewed yesterday, Isabella Young, who has been through incredibly challenging relationship experiences where she is able to truly stand in a place of seeing the value of some very horrific experiences to go through with other human beings and know truly that at soul level, how that was for her. And she spoke to those incredible lessons. And so, so yes, you know, relationships are fuel for our growth, both in the positive and the negative. And I think, you know, to come back to our designs, it, you know, it’s been such a powerful exploration for both of us to, to dive into the gene keys, the human design, and even astrology for me, like all three combined.

And the more time you spend with them and the more you come back to them, the more you unpack for yourself. And it gives you this beautiful template and roadmap to really even be sort of engaged in your own growth. Like you said, if this particular gene key, when it came to relationships, like, yes, one didn’t turn out so good, but you learned a lot from it. The other one, here we are having this conversation, but, you know, I can think of an example of myself, of a collaborative process that we wanted to go into and it was a friend of mine and she was this person who had these amazing ideas and it swept you up, swept everybody up, swept a large group of people up into yes, this idea, this idea, this idea. And we were in a, in a meeting with this woman wanting to lead this process of ideas. And that just for me, as a very grounded, practical Virgo who needs the like, well, how are we going to make this happen? I don’t really know what her sign is, but I think it’s must be an air sign. It was just, I just felt like I was like trying to grab onto these ideas and be like, okay, wonderful. How are you going to make that happen? What do you want to do with that? Like, and try and even engage her in a conversation in that way. It was just like, you couldn’t pin her down. It was really, really hard to work with her. And in the end we didn’t because it just would be like, you know, you, you couldn’t pin her down to take action. it’s like, well, you’re not going to get anywhere simply with that. And if you’re not willing to kind of like come down and like plant some roots.

So, you know, knowing in that is a strength of mine, but also knowing when those, those, the, the collaborations are right for you to enter into with your energy and, you know, is it, is that person willing to, to really collaborate, I guess, and come into that partnership to, know, if they’re an ideas person, ground their ideas and with your grounded energy or vice versa. So I just wanted to highlight that one as an example as well.

Amanda (44:11)

Well, yeah, because, you know, I’m airy. I’m very airy. And I don’t, and as you’re talking, I’m like, probably maybe both of us three to five years ago, maybe you would have been too structured. Maybe like, you know, in your earthiness and me too, ungrounded, not ready to be anchored down. 

And so I think the timing in terms of our own personal growth and evolution to get us to the place where my air and your earth can complement each other versus, know, no, don’t try to nail me down. I don’t want structure. And you’re like, I can’t appreciate all this air because yeah, you haven’t, yeah, you know, I feel like probably there’s this process where we both own our, aspects of who we are, but also try to balance them, right? Like not be too extreme or unconscious of how they’re running a show. And I think for myself in the past, I, I, for my poor husband, I feel like he was on, he was very good at bringing me to my own awareness, there’s some honking right now, of my ability to just talk, talk, talk, wander, wander, and him reflecting back. This, to me, think, allowed me to cultivate a sense of self -awareness of, okay, I’m not the only person in this conversation. You know, it’s a conversation is a two -way street. It’s just not just me talking, talking, talking. And so, yes, I think that I still can talk for a long time and my thoughts can go to many wandering random places, but it’s not where it was in my less unconscious phase of life. And it’s a more aware of my mind than I used to be.

And I think it’s like personal work. It’s like becoming conscious of my tendencies, right? Whereas, you know, when we’re just on autopilot, not really aware of how we are, those tendencies can be amplified and kind of on steroids.

Kate (46:40)

Mm hmm. Yeah. And I’ll say, you know, while Virgo is grounded, Virgo is also very like self or at least in my chart, there’s like so many planets and my like my Virgo is in my first house of self. So there’s a selfishness that I’ve had and I didn’t like being told that by my husband that I was selfish, but I sometimes I like have to be reminded like there’s someone else in this relationship like you know, I, it’s, it’s, it’s hard because it’s like, that’s, it’s how I operate. I think about self, there’s so much, you know, in my chart that’s self focused because it’s, it’s about the self love, growth, blah, blah, blah, blah you know, and I, that was something that I learned through deeply exploring that. I was like, okay, God, he was right. There it is. All those planets making me think about myself all the time. However, that is in service of other people, but maybe not necessarily my husband. It’s the people who want to learn the things that I learned about doing the self work. But yeah, you know, I have to really in relationship, be very mindful of that tendency within me. And it’s, it is, it’s a work to not to, you know, not, not to think about other people, but to just watch when I might just, you know, pull all that energy into what I’m doing, you know, as there’s, there’s a relationship here as well. So it’s, know, there’s a big lesson and growth edge for me in relationships, different, you know, dynamic, but, to, to be aware of my design and how that works and how that affects other people. So you know, there’s a lot we can learn I guess we’ve said through relationship as the mirrors, through our designs, you know, and how we can be in deeper relationships with other people. 

Amanda (48:35)

And yeah, so I think what, through this exploration of this conversation is that like really through our own personal work, we can then enter relationships in a new way, right? One where like for us, it’s we’ve created a container that on a shared interest, a shared topic, a shared vision, right? But it’s also like amplified our personal growth in a way that we couldn’t have done this growth on our own, right? Because the growth has come through doing something that we probably wouldn’t of continued on our own. And so I think through doing our own personal work, like we didn’t come into this partnership as maybe some of the old energy of like maybe competition or  comparison, jealousy, that sort of thing where it’s kind of like we’re adversarial versus like we’re complimentary and building each other up. So like, I think because of the work that we both have done in our own personal lives, we entered this from a new place and then it’s pushed us further in our growth.

I think if people have had maybe an aversion, a resistance, a fear to maybe you’ve been in partnership and you’ve had maybe not favorable experiences, I think that like even the partnership that didn’t work out for me. It’s like because of my own personal work that I’ve done, I was able to respond in a way that I would never respond to, responded previously. I would have, it, there would have been maybe more drama. There would have been more. I don’t know, like feeling the need to like talk about it with other people or, you know, just like victim energy like and so I think that we can come to relation, like relationships have more power for us when as we are on this growth journey on this awakening journey. And so when we feel the nudge to take action in a way that feels inspired, that there might be something in it for us, whether it’s for the short term, however long it ends up being for, it’s part of the process for us to say yes, to say yes to something.

And so really like cultivating that intuition, right? Cause that’s what allowed this to happen was that I was cultivating and kind of getting out of our own ways and just saying yes to something new that, you know, this is the result of…and it shows that we can create something new, right? I think we see people like maybe that have successful businesses or they have successful YouTube channels or podcasts or, they create something for themselves. Like this is how it happens. It starts with like an impulse to do something new and taking action.

So I think as we do the work for ourselves, it puts us in circumstances where the people that match those vibrations are going to be, right? And therefore, it can show us what’s possible, what new dynamics are possible within relationships versus maybe what we learned through our families of origins or through this trauma of school and those previous relationships where  it’s just a different way of being. I feel like I interact with people differently this year as a result. you know, I’m much more friendly, I think, at dog parks and just like in my neighborhood in general, it’s like, I want to go out into the world and be…I have less of a fear of connecting with people, I feel. Maybe I’m less closed off than I used to be, if that makes sense.

Kate (53:11)

Mm hmm. Yeah. And I think what you’re also saying here too, is that as we have our awakening experiences, you know, they’re very challenging in the fact that, you know, we do, we can wake up to who am I really? All of these old beliefs that I have, I don’t believe them, they don’t serve me. And yet they come from our, you know, families, friends, communities, whatnot.

And in that early stage of our awakening, that is a super isolating thing to experience to all of a sudden feel completely different to people that we used to relate to and not relate to them anymore. And so the process of doing that inner work to do the healing and know yourself in a new way, who is this authentic me? Who is this soul expression of me that I’ve awoken to? What is this stirring in me and what, who do I become if I begin to follow it, speak it, share it, do it? This is also the process too of you through that work, refining that authentic expression to find those aligned people that do match your new frequency, you know, new vibration as you’re continually growing and continually refining and, know, continually, continually becoming more and more the truth of who you are. That this is also then I think an amazing example of us having done that work of like finding your soul tribe or your soul group or your soul family. Like, because you’re saying yes to that authentic expression. You’re saying yes to the truth of who you are. You’re saying yes to knowing who that is. And in that process, you really do change the vibration you give off, the energy you give off. And we felt that we felt a match. We felt a connection without knowing each other. You know, we had a two face to face experiences of each other prior to a bit of back and forth chat, text exchange over Instagram, a suggestion of a podcast. And like, I didn’t have an ounce of no in me when you said that, like, and I’m like, okay, I’m going to get to know this person. But honestly, on a soul level, there’s something else happening there. You know, like, you know, let’s bring it back to that. Like the soul level, we, we agreed to do this. We wanted this experience and we had to do that inner work to know that in ourselves for this moment to kind of culminate. And so the power of your awakening experience, the power of your healing journey, the power of you showing up for that authentic you is what then helps you find these people to get to then have amazing experiences like we’ve had in this particular example, to co -create something just to be in a relationship. You know, I think the fact that we do a podcast together is just this beautiful platform where we get to know each other and then learn from each other and grow and like, okay, this is how you and I get to experience each other every other week or every week is through a computer screen. One day I hope to actually meet you in person. Yeah. You might be taller or shorter than I think you are in my mind, but you know.

Yeah, you know, that’s, that’s the beauty and the value of us, these awakening experiences, these awakening journeys. When we find those other souls that we are here to be in community with, even if they don’t live in the same town as you, the beauty of that, you know, I reflected on that literally this morning, because community is part of my, my design as well. And I know it’s coming in the future because I do, I’ve said this a million times. I live in a small Japanese village where I don’t have any people in person. And I, crave that. You know, if I flick through social media, that’s the thing that I get sad about the most is like seeing people hanging out with their friends in person in nice places. So I value that I’ve been able to find people online, you know, and, like that, that we can have such a, a strong connection and without the physical fact that we hang out and have coffee or whatever, you know, like there’s a multitude of ways that we can now experience connection. So, you know, an inspiration for people, especially through their awakenings, that if you haven’t got them in your immediate vicinity, my life is an example for you of they’re out there. You put yourself in the situations and the places where you’re dedicated to your growth, which is that program that we both did. I met Amanda, here we are. And we have this, you know, this amazing, I think podcast, connection.

And, you know, just relationship where we’re growing together and yet we didn’t know each other a year ago and it’s been powerful. Thanks.

Amanda (57:43)

Yeah, well said. Yeah. I thank you for not a thinking my message was crazy.

Kate (58:02)

I loved it. I really loved it. I was just like, I felt like the universe had answered a prayer. 

Amanda (58:08)

And you know, I think that’s just one of those confirmations from the universe that, you know, when we feel those impulses to act on them and, and without really needing to know why and seeing and seeing what happens and, and really not knowing, not needing to know how something’s going to turn out for you to, to commit, take steps, to moving in towards a vision, right? Because the new earth is gonna be a result of our visions and the visions start with a single step, right? That’s part of my Gene keys is the, it’s called invincibility. It’s about taking the first step and that’s how we, you know, we’re in a rut, we’re in a pattern.

And creating something new starts with one step going in a different direction. And the vision of where we’re going, but also not being attached to what it exactly looks like and trusting that by taking these steps we’re, we’re going someplace new. And you know, you want it to be aligned. You want it to feel good. And this felt good for both of us. We figured out a way for it to work for us and realizing that it’s like, we get to decide how we’re going to operate. Like we get to make the rules. And I think that is part of this unlearning process is like letting go of the external rules of like how we’re supposed to do things and recognizing that through getting to know ourselves, we can create things that work for us.

I think, yeah, anything else you want to say or shall we call it?

Kate (1:00:04)

Yeah, I think we’ll wrap it up and just wish everyone out there to have an experience like this and show up as the true you and keep, keep doing that because you will find the people who are really like soul matches. And it’s really a beautiful experience to have when you finally get to have those really beautiful soul connections, which is really what we’re moving towards with this new earth and, know, hold your vision. Work towards that vision as Amanda said, because that is what is bringing those people in. That is what we’re creating. Commit to it because there’s no blueprint for it. It hasn’t happened yet. So don’t, don’t fear what you feel is a potential because we have to create it. And that’s really the time that we’re moving into. So thank you, Amanda. Yes, exactly. Listen to our podcast. We’re technically labeled crazy. Like you’re not crazy. It’s amazing.

Amanda (1:00:49)

And don’t let people tell you that you’re crazy.

Kate (1:01:00)

Yeah, so thank you, Amanda. Thank you everyone for listening. We’ll join you in the next episode.


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Awakening Conversations Podcast

With Kate Megee & Amanda Richardson-Meyer

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Kate & amanda - Your hosts on this conversational journey!

Meet your hosts

Both Amanda & Kate have been through and are still going through their own awakening journeys, which, in fact, the creation of this podcast is a continuation of their awakening unfoldings.

While being located in very different geographical regions of Earth, they have brought their energy together through the gift of technology to explore the ideas and experiences of the awakening journey, which has transformed each of their lives in unique ways.

Learn more about the hosts
No Glitter Brown GradientAmanda Richardson-Meyer
No Glitter Brown GradientKate Megee
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